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Latest news

Investiture ceremony

MSU students, faculty, staff, alumni and dignitaries will gather to celebrate the investiture of MSU’s 22nd president, Kevin M. Guskiewicz, Ph.D., at 2 p.m. on Sept. 29 at Wharton Center’s Cobb Great Hall.

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No. 1 in service-learning

At MSU, learning goes beyond the classroom and, often, beyond the borders of campus where students make a real-world impact. Recognized as the No. 1 public university for service-learning by U.S. News & World Report, MSU is leading the charge in turning students into changemakers.

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Election experts, content, resources

MSU research and expertise prove to be go-to resources for those who want to stay informed for this year's presidential election. Plus, learn more about the various ways MSU is getting out the vote for its campus community.

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MSU in the news


Amtrak spars with freight train industry over rules of the railroad: Nick Little, director of railway education at the Center for Railway Research and Education in the Broad College of Business, commented on regulations surrounding railways and Amtrak’s operations.

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The New York Times

Green washing, not greenwashing — What’s the best way to do laundry?: Joe Zagorski, assistant professor and toxicologist at the Center of Research on Ingredient Safety in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, shared nature-friendly ways to do laundry.

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Washington Post

Who gets the dog in the divorce? Now a judge might decide: Rebecca Wisch, associate editor of the Animal Legal and Historical Center at the MSU College of Law, commented on the increasing role of pets in families and what happens to them when families separate.

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Campus initiatives

Strategic Plan: MSU 2030

MSU used an inclusive and comprehensive strategic planning process to create a shared vision for the future and a common set of principles and values to guide our work.

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan

To recognize the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion as a foundation for university, MSU is using a comprehensive DEI planning process focusing on those values and working in collaboration with the overall strategic planning process.

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Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Plan

The RVSM Strategic Plan stems from work by leading researchers and experts in the field to develop a plan for survivor services, prevention efforts, and climate and culture change initiatives.

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