Curriculum Vitae



1974    Doctor of Philosophy (Higher Education), Michigan State University

1970    Master of Science (Student Personnel and Counseling), Indiana State University

1969    Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics), Indiana State University


President (January 2005–2018)

Dr. Simon was the principal executive officer of the university, elected by and serving at the pleasure of the MSU Board of Trustees. She was, ex officio, a member of the Board of Trustees without the right to vote, and its sole administrative officer. She presided at meetings of the board and has the authority and performs the duties usually attached to the office as presiding officer. In addition, she served as a member of the MSU Foundation Board and on the MSU College of Law Board.

Interim President (April–Sept. 2003)

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (1993–2004)

Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (1992–1993); Associate Provost (1987–1992); Assistant Provost for General Academic Administration (1981–1987)

Office of the President (1978–1981); Office of Institutional Research (1974–1978)


John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor (appointed 2017)

Professor, Educational Administration (appointed 1984)

Associate Professor, Office of Institutional Research (1979 - 1984)

Assistant Professor,  Office of Institutional Research (1974 – 1979)


Current            Academy of Community Engagement Scholarship

Current            American Council on Education (ACE)

                        • National Challenge for Higher Education Committee

Current            Anchor Institutions Task Force Board

Current            APLU Commission - The Challenge of Change: Engaging Public Universities to Feed the World

                        • Executive Committee

Current            Aspen Institute

                        • Invited Participant in "The Future of the College Presidency"

Current            Association of American Universities (AAU)

                        • Past President

                        • Board of Directors

                        • Internationalization Committee

Current            Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB)

Current            Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU)

Current            Big Ten Council of Presidents and Chancellors (COP/C)

                        • Executive Committee

Current            Business Leaders for Michigan

                        • Board of Directors

                        • Executive Committee

Current            Centurion Medical Products

                        • Board of Directors

Current            Council on Competitiveness

                        • Executive Committee

                        • U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness Initiative (USMCI)

Current            Council on Foreign Relations

Current            Detroit Economic Club

                        • Board of Directors

Current            Detroit Innovation District Advisory Committee

Current            Detroit Regional Chamber CEO Advisor Committee

Current            Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation

                        • Board of Directors

Current            Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP)

Current            Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, Inc. (MUCIA)

                        • Chair

Current            Michigan Association of State Universities

Current            National Commission on Financing 21st Century Higher Education

Current            National Football Foundation

                        • Board of Directors

Current            National Security Higher Education Advisory Board

                        • Chair

Current            Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa

                        • Executive Committee

Current            Universities Research Association, Inc.

                        • Executive Chair, Board of Trustees

                        • Vice Chair, Fermi Research Alliance Board of Directors

Past                 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Detroit Branch

                        • Chair, Board of Directors

Past                 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I

                        • Board of Directors

                        • Executive Committee, appointed Chair in August 2012, through August 2014

                        • Academic Performance Program Historical Penalties Appeals Subcommittee


“Public Research Universities: Serving the Public Interest in Michigan,” with Mark S. Schlissel, Mary Sue Coleman, Patrick Doyle, and M. Roy Wilson. In The American Academy of Arts & Sciences Bulletin. Vol. LXIX, No. 4. Summer 2016.

“From Land-Grant to a ‘World-Grant’ University: Musings of a State University President.” in “View from Out Here.” International Educator Vol XXII, No. 5. NAFSA. September/October, 2013.

“From a Land-Grant to a World-Grant Ideal: Extending Public Higher Education Core Values to a Global Frame,” with John Hudzik.  In Precipice or Crossroads? Where America’s Great Public Universities Stand and Where They Are Going Midway through Their Second Century, Eds. Dan Mark Fogel and Elizabeth Malson-Huddle. Albany: University of New York, 2012.

“Boldness for the World: Advancing the Frontiers of Knowledge in Times of Economic and Social Turmoil.” The Presidency, Winter, 2011.

 “World Grant Universities: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century.” Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning. September/October, 2010.

“The Federal Role in Supporting Public Universities’ Global Missions.” Metropolitan Policy Program. Washington, DC :Brookings Institute, September 2010.

“Engaged Scholarship in Land-Grant and Research Universities.” In H. E. Fitzgerald, C. Burack, & S. Seifer (Eds.). Handbook of Engaged Scholarship: Contemporary Landscapes, Future Directions: Vol. 1. Institutional Change. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2010.

“Embracing the World Grant Ideal: Affirming the Morrill Act for a Twenty-first-century Global Society.” East Lansing: Michigan State University, 2009.

Learning to Serve: Promoting Civil Society through Service Learning. Ed. with Maureen E. Kenny, Karen Brabeck, and Richard M. Lerner. Norwell: Kluwer Academic Publishers, June, 2002.

“A Provost’s Perspective: Constructive and Complex Tensions in the Art of Engagement,” Journal of Public Service and Outreach, 1999.

“Fostering Community Guardianship: Serving Children and Families through Community-University Partnership.” with Lorilee Sandmann. Serving Children and Families through Community-University Partnerships: Success Stories. Eds. T. Chibucos and B. Lerner. Norwell: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.

“Creating Outreach Universities: Challenges and Choices,” with Richard M. Lerner and Darcy B. Mitchell. Universities and Communities: Remaking Professional and Interprofessional Education for the Next Century. Eds. J. McCroskey and S. Einbinder. Westport: Greenwood, 1999.

University-Community Collaborations for the Twenty-First Century: Outreach Scholarship for Youth and Families. Ed. with Richard M. Lerner. New York: Garland, 1998.


December 13, 2016          “5th Global Forum of Leaders for Agriculture and Science and Technology. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lingshui, China.

November 16, 2015          “Diversity, Inclusion and Free Speech. Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, Indianapolis, IN.

January 26, 2015              “Global Conference on Inland Fisheries. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Headquarters, Rome, Italy.

June 27, 2014                    “Kindred Spirits.Awards Ceremony Address, College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE), Loughry, Ireland

April 26, 2008                  “The 21st Century Citizen Scholar.Commencement Address, Grand Valley State University, Allendale Charter Township, Michigan

February 8, 2007              "Boldness in a Time of Challenge." Founders' Day State of the University Address, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

November 15, 2005          “Teachers for a New Era: More than a Project—A New World View.Keynote Presentation, TNE Learning Network Meeting (Annenberg Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Academy for Educational Development), Chicago

November 4, 2005            “Now More Than Ever: Higher Education for the Public Good.CIC Faculty Leadership Luncheon, MSU

November 2, 2005            “Higher Education at a Crossroad.Higher Education Leaders’ Issues Panel, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

September 8, 2005            “Boldness By Design.Academic Convocation Sesquicentennial Address, MSU

April 28, 2005                  “Leadership in the 21st Century: The Revolutionary Vision.2005 International Athena Leadership Conference, Chicago

February 11, 2005            “The Next Bold Experiment: A Land-Grant Revolution for the World.Founders’ Day Celebration, MSU

November 16, 2004          “Partnerships and the President’s Perspective: Marketing the University of the Future Today.15th Annual Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education, American Marketing Association, San Diego


The Higher Learning Commission: Board of Trustees Nominating Committee, 2018

Michigan Business Hall of Fame, 2018

MSU Council of Graduate Students Circle Award, 2017

Michigan Campus Compact John DiBiaggio Beacon Award for Presidential Leadership, 2017

Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame, 2016

Academy of Community Engagement Scholarship, 2016

Honorary Degree, University of Michigan, 2013

Honorary Degree, Grand Valley State University, 2008

ATHENA Award, Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, 2005

Crystal Apple Award, MSU College of Education and the Richard Lee Featherstone Society, 1999

Distinguished Member for Outstanding Scholarship, Leadership and Service Award, The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, 1999

Spirit of Detroit Award, Detroit City Council, 1999