Andrea Amalfitano

Andrea  Amalfitano
  • Osteopathic Heritage Foundation Endowed Chair in Osteopathic Medicine
  • Funded through a gift from the Osteopathic Heritage Foundation
  • Clinical and Translational Sciences


Andrea Amalfitano is looking at the big picture through a microscope. Simply put, he is working to cure diseases by developing technologies that deliver genetic information. The Osteopathic Heritage Foundation endowed professor of pediatrics, microbiology and molecular genetics since 2005, Amalfitano is also director of the MSU Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute. His recent work has focused on determining the feasibility of using gene transfer to treat diseases, both genetic and non-genetic, and eventually translate that knowledge into the clinical realm. He continues to treat patients affected by genetic and rare diseases to better understand where to direct his research efforts and maximize the possibility of improved health outcomes.

Amalfitano completed the D.O.-Ph.D. program at MSU in 1990, receiving a Ph.D. in microbiology. He completed a pediatrics residency at Mayo Clinic and a fellowship at the University of Michigan Department of Human Genetics. Before returning to MSU, he was an associate professor at Duke University in the Department of Pediatrics and the Department of Pathology, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology.

Amalfitano has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, and is recipient of the NIH James Shannon Award. He has received multiple grants from NIH, private industry and public foundations such as the MDA and AMDA.