Dr. Chris Hogan is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Accounting and Information Systems at the Eli Broad College of Business, and the Russell E. Palmer Endowed Professor in Accounting. She joined Broad as associate professor in 2006, has since served as co-director of the Ph.D. program in Accounting, and the former Plante Moran Faculty Fellow.
Hogan focuses her research on auditing topics, including the impact of regulation on auditing, auditor-client alignment, internal control issues, and the impact of auditing on earnings announcements. She has been published in several academic journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting Horizons, and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Hogan earned the Broad College’s John D. and Dortha J. Withrow Endowed Teacher Scholar Award, the Department’s Roland F. Salmonson Excellence in Teaching Award, and the “Best Paper” award from Accounting Horizons.
She served as an associate editor of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, currently sits on the editorial boards of The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, and International Journal of Auditing. She holds several committees positions within the American Accounting Association and the Auditing Section of the AAA, most recently, president of the Auditing Section and as a member of the AAA Audit Committee.
Hogan earned her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University, and has taught at Vanderbilt University and Southern Methodist University.