As of June 30, 2023
1855 Place | 98,449,968 |
2019C Savings from Refunding 2010C | (19,035,000) |
Akers Hall Renovation | 15,938,599 |
Anthony Hall - Repair simulated slate roof | 85,657 |
Armstrong & Bryan Hall Renovations | 22,136,823 |
Auditorium - Alterations to Fairchild Theatre | 9,839,475 |
Available Proceeds | 1,043,044 |
Bailey and Rather Halls Renovation | 23,582,647 |
Bio Engineering Facility | 25,114,211 |
Biochemistry - HVAC Renovation | 7,219,001 |
Breslin Berkowitz - Facility Upgrades & Hall of History | 550,532 |
Breslin Bleacher Reconfiguration | 261,882 |
Breslin Student Events Center - Facility Upgrades | 27,292,585 |
Broad Business College Complex Pavilion | 19,814,952 |
Brody Hall Renovations | 34,013,048 |
Brody utility infrastructure improvements | 835,964 |
Butterfield Hall Renovation | 11,999,491 |
Campus Fiber Optic System | 1,842,283 |
Campus Steam Distribution System | 54,375,510 |
Cap Interest/Interest Income/Fees/Issuance Costs | (500,277) |
Case Hall - Elevator replacement | 360,854 |
Case Hall 1st Floor Renovations of Dining Hall | 14,627,513 |
Cashier's Office Renovations | 138,035 |
CEMS Boiler 3 | 165,353 |
Chemistry - HVAC Renovation | 4,489,565 |
Chemistry Lab Renovation (5th floor) | 79,963 |
Chemistry Office Addition | 552,541 |
Chemistry Office Addition Renovations 2007 | 3,224,091 |
Chillers 2006 | 1,846,881 |
Clinical Center C-Wing HVAC | 2,633,053 |
College of Law | 4,760,442 |
COMM ARTS PARKING RAMP 5 | 5,132,723 |
Convert Light T12-T8 | 1,975,773 |
Cooling Tower 3 & 4 | 330,424 |
Crescent Middlevale | 1,233,192 |
Cyclotron Building - Office Addition - Phase III | 10,596,536 |
Cyclotron Building New High Bay Addition | 3,079,725 |
Cyclotron Low Eng Exp Res and Off Additions | 12,136,589 |
Cyclotron Office Addition | 13,319,302 |
Cyclotron-refrig/cryo projects | 240,023 |
Data Access in Residential Halls | 515,297 |
Difference between bond debt service and project repayment schedules | (15,339,187) |
Duffy Daugherty Football - Renovate Team Locker Room and Training Room | 2,302,902 |
Duffy Daugherty SAAC - Skandalaris Football Offices and Demmer Hall of History | 2,111,825 |
EBSP (FIS/HRIS System) | 3,061,676 |
Electrical Support for Units 5 & 6 | 164,411 |
Emmons Hall Renovations | 9,965,663 |
Farm Lane Underpass | 11,635,776 |
Food Science - HVAC Renovation | 8,323,035 |
Food Stores Roof Replacement | 139,997 |
FRIB 25MW Power Supply | 27,604,639 |
FRIB Cryogenic Assembly Bldg | 13,191,040 |
FRIB High Rigidity Spectrometer and Isotope Harvesting Experimental Vault | 23,657,715 |
FRIB Power Plant Connection | 6,274,324 |
FRIB Utility Relocation Phase I | 4,929,024 |
Grand Rapids Property Purchase | 8,438,203 |
Grand Rapids Research Center | 16,872,797 |
Grand River Parking Ramp | 10,253,454 |
Health, Wellness and Fitness Fields at Service Rd | 1,624,975 |
Health, Wellness, and Fitness Center | 2,726,885 |
Healthy Campus / Demonstration Hall - Phase 1 - Multi-Use Court Renovations | 1,633,064 |
Healthy Campus / IM East Gym and Track | 1,559,615 |
Healthy Campus / IM West Turf Arena Renovations | 3,009,883 |
Holden Hall Dining Upgrades | 609,426 |
Hubbard Hall Asbestos | 113,939 |
Hubbard Hall Fire Protection | 538,326 |
Innovation and Infrastructure Revolving Fund | 500,000,000 |
Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building - ISTB | 90,506,668 |
Jenison Field House | 2,749,117 |
Kuali Coeus Research Admin | 3,573,822 |
Landon Renovation | 14,807,620 |
Low NOX Burner Boilers 1-2 '01 | 531,054 |
Low Nox Monitoring System | 379,234 |
Mary Mayo renovations | 7,488,013 |
McDonel Hall - Electrical Conversion | 155,818 |
McDonel Hall - Elevator replacements | 333,695 |
MSU Surplus Store and Recycling Center | 5,258,169 |
MSU Union Renovation | 503,496 |
Munn Ice Arena Expansion | 13,273,375 |
MUSIC BUILDING - ADDITION NO. 3 | 27,964,015 |
Natural Science Bldg-Window Replc | 1,386,371 |
Natural Science- New Elect Substation | 683,006 |
Old Hort Renovations | 413,692 |
Plant Science Expansion | 36,264,747 |
Power & Water -- Major repair & replacement (13 projects) | 473,132 |
Public Art for Debt Funded Projects | 112,370 |
Regional Chill Water Plant Rpl | 896,235 |
Replace Chillers - Hannah Bldg. | 484,525 |
Replace Chillers - Nisbet Bldg. | 175,782 |
Replace Windows- Human Ecology Bldg. | 224,863 |
Road- Wilson & Red Cedar - intersection | 1,746,927 |
Scene Shop Relocation | 374,063 |
Secchia Center | 76,354,471 |
Settlement Debt | 370,265,348 |
Shaw Hall New Dining Center | 9,999,202 |
Shaw Hall Renovation | 3,628,353 |
SHAW LANE PARKING RAMP 1 | 8,260,638 |
Snyder/Phillips dorm renovation | 20,515,055 |
South Campus Anaerobic Digester | 2,731,100 |
Spartan Child Dev Ctr | 1,335,689 |
Spartan Stadium - Audio Upgrades | 1,181,332 |
Spartan Stadium - North and East Bowl Restoration | 1,333,029 |
Spartan Stadium North End Zone Addition | 1,840,110 |
Spartan Turf Paved Nursery | 309,751 |
Spartan Village - Re-roof various bldgs | 214,782 |
Spartan Village Electrical | 968,080 |
SRF High Bay Addition Phase I | 11,766,807 |
Stadium Column Repair 2000 | 873,051 |
Stadium Column Restoration | 303,333 |
Stadium Expansion | 30,554,713 |
STADIUM NEW TURF | 793,870 |
Stadium North Restoration '02 | 810,856 |
Stadium Restoration of East Stands 2000 | 2,085,094 |
Stadium South Stands | 441,833 |
Stadium W. Concourse & Columns | 489,966 |
STEM Teaching and Learning Facility | 62,409,722 |
STEM Teaching and Learning Facility - Shaw Lane Power Plant | 6,120,823 |
Stm Dist & Road Rec E/W Circle Drive | 6,223,935 |
Stores Addition | 209,317 |
Student Data Service | 509,481 |
T.B. Simon Power Plant - Modernization - Boilers | 17,175,642 |
T.B. Simon Power Plant - Modernization - Reverse Osmosis | 62,065 |
T.B. Simon Power Plant - Modernization - RICE | 44,371,463 |
T.B. Simon Power Plant - Modernization - RO system | 62,264 |
T.B. Simon Power Plant - Upgrade Utility Substation | 22,112,596 |
TB Simon Dem Storage Tank #2 | 222,858 |
TB Simon Low NOx Burner Installation #3 Boiler | 415,659 |
TB Simon Power Plant - Coal Handling Changes Phase I | 15,079,417 |
TB Simon Power plant addition | 20,037,083 |
TB Simon Power Plant SNCR 1,2,3 | 1,412,557 |
Track & Field Turf | 1,608,896 |
Union Mechanical Renovation | 566,299 |
University Village | 9,118,054 |
Utility Distribution -- New elec. sub. sta. for Owen Graduate Center | 274,958 |
Vet. Med. Center - Replace deteriorated roofs | 148,773 |
Veterinary Oncology | 279,544 |
Water Distribution - Campus Water System Improvements | 17,727,930 |
Wells Hall Addition | 29,306,360 |
Wharton Center Expansion | 11,106,926 |
Wilson Hall - Electrical Conversion | 185,341 |
Wilson Hall Alterations (C-102 Auditorium) | 132,360 |
Wilson Rd Phase 2 | 1,493,174 |
Wonders Hall - Teaching, Learning, and Student Support Renovation | 11,430,597 |
Grand Total | 2,104,868,000 |