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Support and reporting resources

Overview of support resources

Knowing your student rights is vital for ensuring a safe campus experience for everyone.

Campus Conduct

The conduct system and regulations uphold community standards through student rights and responsibilities.

Office of Spartan Experiences: Student Rights and Responsibilities
Learn about the student conduct system protecting student rights against infringement by other students, faculty or administrators, groups or the university itself.

Office of Student Support and Accountability (OSSA)
OSSA facilitates student and organizational conduct, academic integrity, care and intervention, conflict resolution, medical amnesty, and medical leave and return.

Additional resource

Counseling and Psychiatric Services: Crisis resources for students
Experiencing anxiety and need to talk? There are resources available to help, including 24/7 crisis and medication call lines.

Office of the University Ombudsperson
Offering a confidential place to discuss both academic and nonacademic concerns, including classroom, administrative and workplace issues or any MSU student-related concerns, the office provides guidance on university policies and processes, including options for reporting.

MSU Department of Police and Public Safety
Report crime or suspicious behavior 24/7.

OSSA Care and Intervention Team: Make a referral
If you or someone you know needs support, is distressed or exhibits concerning behavior, help by making a referral.

OSSA: File a student conduct complaint
Current MSU students, staff or faculty can use this form to submit a conduct complaint regarding an MSU student’s violation of university policy.

Civil Rights and Discrimination

Conduct that may violate the Anti-Discrimination Policy or the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy should be reported to the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance.

Free Speech FAQ
The First Amendment protects speech but does not protect civil disobedience, disruption of university activities, true threats, illegal activity, harassment, discrimination or other conduct prohibited by university policy.

Anti-Discrimination Policy
MSU prohibits discrimination, harassment on the basis of a protected identity, and related retaliation, as a foundational expectation of behavior to facilitate safe and equitable access and participation in university activities.

Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy
MSU prohibits harassment on the basis of sex/gender and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and sexual exploitation and related retaliation.

Additional resource

Counseling and Psychiatric Services: Crisis resources for students
Experiencing anxiety and need to talk? There are resources available to help, including 24/7 crisis and medication call lines.

Office for Civil Rights: Understanding and reporting a hostile environment
Learn about the process for reporting experiences or awareness of harassing conduct or a person having trouble participating in MSU activities based on a protected identity (e.g race, gender identity, political persuasion, etc.).

Office of the University Ombudsperson
Offering a confidential place to discuss both academic and nonacademic concerns, including classroom, administrative and workplace issues or any MSU student-related concerns, the office provides guidance on university policies and processes, including options for reporting.

Pregnancy, Childbirth, Pregnancy-Related Conditions and Parenting Information
MSU prohibits any action based on actual or potential parental, family or marital status which discriminates on the basis of sex, under the Pregnancy, Childbirth and Pregnancy-Related Conditions for Students and Employees Policy.

Under this policy, affected students may request academic modifications and leaves of absence through the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance.


MSU Department of Police and Public Safety
Report crime or suspicious behavior 24/7.

Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance
Report possible violations of MSU’s Anti-Discrimination, Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX, and Mandatory Reporting for Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct and Stalking Policies.

Office of Spartan Support and Accountability: File a student conduct complaint
Current MSU students, staff or faculty can use this form to submit a conduct complaint regarding an MSU student’s violation of university policy. For Office for Civil Rights policies listed above, use OCR reporting link.

Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct

Resources for students impacted by relationship violence, sexual misconduct and stalking should be reported to the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance.

Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy
MSU prohibits harassment on the basis of sex/gender and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and sexual exploitation and related retaliation.


Center for Survivors
A variety of services are available for survivors and co-survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking including:

  • Free and confidential individualized therapy services, groups and workshops
  • Advocacy services and support during criminal and investigative processes
  • Safe Place shelter for people impacted by violence
  • Sexual Assault Healthcare Program - Free specialized medical care services to adults who have been sexually assaulted, serving the entire Lansing region
  • Center for Survivors Crisis Chat (10 a.m. – 10 p.m. daily) and 24-hour crisis hotline: 517-372-6666

Gender and Sexuality Campus Center
Providing community and programming that centers around the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

Additional resource

Counseling and Psychiatric Services: Crisis resources for students
Experiencing anxiety and need to talk? There are resources available to help, including 24/7 crisis and medication call lines.

Office of the University Ombudsperson
Offering a confidential place to discuss both academic and nonacademic concerns, including classroom, administrative and workplace issues or any MSU student-related concerns, the office provides guidance on university policies and processes, including options for reporting.

MSU Department of Police and Public Safety
Report crime or suspicious behavior 24/7.

Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance
Report possible violations of MSU’s Anti-Discrimination, Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX, and Mandatory Reporting for Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct and Stalking Policies.

Safety and Crime

The safety of the Spartan community is our priority through inclusive and accessible services.

MSU Department of Police and Public Safety
If you feel you are the victim of a crime, have observed suspicious behavior or see a crime occurring, contact the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety.

Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy
MSU prohibits harassment on the basis of sex/gender and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and sexual exploitation and related retaliation.

MSU Investigation, Support and Resolution
Supporting, responding to and investigating reports related to discrimination and harassment by protected identity groups.

Spartans Together safety updates
Learn about the latest activities toward strengthening security and safety on campus.

MSU Alert
Sign up to receive timely warnings or emergency notifications.

SafeMSU App
Download the SafeMSU App to get access to safety resources in one place.

MSU Safe Ride
Learn about several safe options for student transportation services.

Additional resource

Counseling and Psychiatric Services: Crisis resources for students
Experiencing anxiety and need to talk? There are resources available to help, including 24/7 crisis and medication call lines.

Office of the University Ombudsperson
Offering a confidential place to discuss both academic and nonacademic concerns, including classroom, administrative and workplace issues or any MSU student-related concerns, the office provides guidance on university policies and processes, including options for reporting.

MSU Department of Police and Public Safety
Report crime or suspicious behavior 24/7.

Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance
Report possible violations of MSU’s Anti-Discrimination, Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX, and Mandatory Reporting for Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct and Stalking Policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right, protected under the First Amendment, that allows individuals to express their opinions, beliefs and ideas without government censorship. It is a cornerstone of democratic societies, fostering open dialogue and the exchange of diverse perspectives. However, hate speech does not have a legal definition and is protected unless it violates MSU’s policies.

While the university firmly condemns hate speech, it is vital to understand that it is generally protected under the First Amendment. Speech that is considered offensive, including biased messages and even hateful comments, is likely protected speech.

When speech is not protected by the First Amendment, it may breach MSU's Anti-Discrimination Policy or other conduct policies, such as when it constitutes a “true threat” or “discriminatory harassment.” Other forms of expression may be subject to discipline and the court of law, such as illegal activity, civil disobedience, disorderly assembly, obstructing university operations or activities and parades, processions and sound amplification. For more information, visit the Free Speech FAQ.

We encourage anyone who has encountered or witnessed harassment on campus or is unsure if the speech or conduct is prohibited under our policies to contact the Office for Civil Rights for information on filing a report.

First, consider safety. The physical safety of the university community is a priority. Anyone receiving any targeted or personal threat, as distinct from free speech, or has information to assist with an investigation should immediately contact the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety at 517-355-2221. In an emergency, call or text 911. MSU DPPS actively collaborates with communities to understand campus needs and take appropriate action, including providing additional security as requested. MSU DPPS is ready to investigate any criminal activity or hate crime.

Additionally, If you or someone you know has experienced conduct that may violate MSU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy or Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy, or if you are experiencing a hostile environment on campus based on a protected identity, report it to the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance

Access support services.

Groups across campus are poised to gather resources, including providing dialogue guides and offering opportunities to join listening circles to help our community process events. Impacted students can visit the Student Life and Engagement Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Office.

If students are experiencing a mental health issue, contact Counseling and Psychiatric Services for culturally informed support or call the 24/7 crisis hotline at 517-355-8270 and press “1” at the prompt.

In addition, the Office of Student Support and Accountability regularly assists students who are experiencing situations that may interrupt their academic and campus life. The office can be reached by email  or phone 517- 884-0789.

Seek educational resources.

The Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion offers education opportunities that allow units to explore complex topics around diversity, equity and inclusion through dialogues, workshops, programs and innovative programs.

Learn about available accommodations.

Academic advisors have tools to help support any student, and students are encouraged to work closely with an advisor to make their needs known. These tools include credit/no credit, which may be available for some classes taken as electives. 

Advisors can also help students apply for a grief absence, which allows for up to two weeks of excused absences from classes, as well as incompletes that will provide a student with additional time to complete a course.

For persons who may be affected by discrimination and/or harassment based on a protected identity, supportive and interim measures may be available by contacting the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance. Such measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the university’s education program or activity for the claimant and/or respondent, protect the safety of the parties or the university’s educational environment, or provide support during the grievance process. 

Supportive measures may include extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of work or class schedules, mutual no contact directives, referrals to counseling, Safe Ride services, changes in work or housing locations, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus and other similar measures.

MSU is committed to supporting First Amendment rights, including the right to assemble and express views through peaceful protest. 

MSU encourages all who engage in protest activity to do so safely and in accordance with the Board of Trustees Ordinance 15: Disorderly Assemblages and Conduct. Below are some helpful reminders:

  • Disrupting an event or a speaker is generally not protected by the First Amendment.
  • Avoid activity that obstructs the free movement of vehicles or persons such as blocking hallways, entryways, walkways and roads.
  • Do not jeopardize the safety and security of others.

Leave an area where others are engaging in civil disobedience, illegal activities and acts of violence. Your presence may be interpreted as participating in a riot or illegal group action. DPPS should be notified of illegal activity.
For more information, visit the Free Speech FAQ.

Chalking or signage that violates Board of Trustees Ordinance 28 or is not protected by the First Amendment, will be removed. Speech not protected under the First Amendment includes speech that would be deemed a “true threat,” incitement of illegal activity or harassment based on a protected characteristic.

The Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance is the office authorized by the university to determine whether an incident is a potential violation of the ADP or RVSM Policy. If the reported incident does not constitute an ADP or RVSM Policy violation, but does indicate problematic behavior, it is referred to the appropriate office for follow-up.

Students are encouraged to report alleged misconduct by utilizing the applicable policy/reporting and response mechanisms, such as through the Office of Student Support and Accountability or the Office for Civil Rights.

The Rock is a forum where students have painted messages since the 1960s. Speech is protected unless it violates MSU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy or other conduct policies. Anyone unsure if the speech or conduct is prohibited under MSU policies is encouraged to file a report with the Office for Civil Rights.

For more information, visit the Free Speech FAQ.

  1. Support and intake. The Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance, or OCR, reviews all reports for potential policy violation(s) and provides outreach to the impacted person(s). If there are immediate safety concerns or additional reporting obligations, OCR coordinates with appropriate partners to address them.
  2. Claimant options. Options for supportive and/or interim measures and resolution are offered to the impacted person (claimant). Examples of supportive measures include no contact directives, deadline extensions, housing changes and work schedule adjustments.
  3. Initial assessment. Upon receiving a report, OCR will conduct an initial assessment to determine if the reported conduct is covered under the Anti-Discrimination Policy, or ADP, and to provide the claimant(s) or impacted person(s) with information about resources and other applicable processes. OCR may refer the report to the unit and human resources for follow up under other HR-related policies.
  4. Investigation and decision. During the investigation, the claimant(s) and respondent(s) have an opportunity to present their information in separate interviews with an investigator, to have an advisor assist them and to request supportive and/or interim measures. Investigations can be expected to be completed within 90 business days. At the conclusion of the investigation, the Investigator will release a Preliminary Investigative Report and evidence to the parties for review and feedback. After the parties have provided feedback, the Investigator will issue a Final Investigative Report, which will include findings of fact and a determination of whether the policy has been violated. If an employee is found to have violated the ADP, the employee’s supervisor and HR will coordinate and determine appropriate discipline and follow-up. If a student is found to have violated the ADP, the Office of Student Support and Accountability will determine an appropriate sanction.
  5. Optional appeal. Both claimant(s) and respondent(s) have an opportunity to submit an appeal to the Equity Review Officer, or ERO. Appeals must be submitted within 10 business days of the written notice of findings, except where a student respondent is found to have violated the ADP, in which case appeals must be submitted within 10 business days of the written notice of the sanction decision. The ERO will issue a written response to the appeal within 18 business days of receiving any responses to the appeal. If no appeal is filed, the decision in the Final Investigation Report is final.

MSU carefully considers statements on local, state, national and international issues. The institution carefully weighs its role as a civic actor to determine whether a statement is needed to uphold the university’s mission and values.